Tuesday 11 February 2020

Mellow Corn (Blind) Review

Hi everyone,

I had tasted this whisky before at a party in New Orleans, but, of course, didn’t go sit in a corner and make notes on it. Actually, I’m pretty certain I drank it in one.
Anyway, fast forward to a series of blind samples I was gifted and here we are.
The only information I had was that one of the three samples was an old Linkwood. It took longer than it should have, but I realised that this wasn’t Scotch after a few minutes with it.

Re Frumentaria
Colour: Gold
Body: Full
Nose: I got red apple and spice at first. Kinda leathery and musty. Something grainy too, but becomes more raw with some basic alcohol. Becomes more Bourbon-like with corn as it opens up.
Taste: Soft and oily at first, building with grain and red apple, some cheap spice, cheap perfume and oak, leather.
Finish: Medium/Long length. Bourbon levels of oak here, more raw again, quite drying.
Didn't recognise this as American straight away but I think it might be.
Guess: A bourbon? Four Roses maybe?
Reveal: Mellow Corn BIB 50%
…WTF? Very glad I pegged this as an American whiskey considering it's matured in refill casks. I was thrown off there for the first minute or two! But the finish definitely gives it away. I really enjoyed this, especially the mouthfeel when I first poured it but it started becoming harsher and more Bourbon-like as it opened up. But then, the fact that this is selling for $12 is stupid.

Thanks for reading!

American Review #68
Whisky Network Review #1007

Network Average: 75.2
Best Score: 94
Worst Score: 12
0-49 Terrible
50-59 Bad
60-64 Just About OK
65-69 Ok to Good
70-74 Good
75-79 Very Good
80-84 Excellent
85-89 Superb
90+ Magnificent

Full Disclosure Disclaimer: I currently work as the Global Brand Ambassador for Penderyn Distillery. The views expressed here are purely my own and do not reflect the views of Penderyn Distillery or The Welsh Whisky Company. I try to maintain as much objectivity as I can but feel free to take my reviews with as big a pinch of salt as you like. Furthermore, my rating scale is NOT based on a Parker type wine scoring scale or a school/college/university % or A-F grade score. You can find more on my scoring here. I apologise for any seemly low or 'bad' scores given with my system and I am sorry I can't say only nice things. Please keep in mind that I am ethically compromised and I am unable to produce 100% unbiased reviews.

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