Friday 20 March 2020

Paul John Oloroso & PX Select Reviews

Hi everyone,

Paul John seems to have gone from strength to strength with its special editions and they’ve come out with two new ones that are a bit more heavily Sherried than their normal stuff, which I was really excited about!
Not sure how widely distributed these are going to be or if they are limited but they came out here in the UK a few weeks ago.
Anyway, let’s see how they taste…

Paul John Oloroso Select 48%
Colour: Amber
Body: Full
Nose: Full of rich Sherry and spicy oak, loads of complex orange, orange blossom, orange marmalade, black pepper, fresh ginger.
Taste: Immediately drying with more sweet elements developing. Loads of orange, spicy with black pepper and grapefruit, ginger, orange marmalade,
Finish: Medium/Long length. Lovely, darker and more malty, slightly burnt chocolate.
4 year finish. I really like this. You have to enjoy spicy whisky but it works really well. Impressive and fun.
Paul John PX Select 48%
Colour: Amber
Body: Full
Nose: Sweeter than the Oloroso but more Paul John character too, thick raisin and prune, figs, but also some corn (which I often get from PJ), resinous and oily, something herbal coming out, maybe basil or coriander. Black coffee too. Butter.
Taste: Thick and sweet, stewed raisin and prune, fig, lots of sweet Sherry, then goes into more spicy and dry woodiness, little herbal, basil?
Finish: Medium/Long length. Black pepper and ginger spice, late orange.
Very rich Sherry bomb but with something different. If you like your sweet Sherry character, you’ll love this. I prefer this to the Oloroso but only by a little. Think this one was also a touch more expensive.

Thanks for reading!

Indian Reviews #15-#16
Whisky Network Reviews #1017-#1018

Network Average: 75.2
Best Score: 94
Worst Score: 12
0-49 Terrible
50-59 Bad
60-64 Just About OK
65-69 Ok to Good
70-74 Good
75-79 Very Good
80-84 Excellent
85-89 Superb
90+ Magnificent

Full Disclosure Disclaimer: I currently work as the Global Brand Ambassador for Penderyn Distillery. The views expressed here are purely my own and do not reflect the views of Penderyn Distillery or The Welsh Whisky Company. I try to maintain as much objectivity as I can but feel free to take my reviews with as big a pinch of salt as you like. Furthermore, my rating scale is NOT based on a Parker type wine scoring scale or a school/college/university % or A-F grade score. You can find more on my scoring here. I apologise for any seemly low or 'bad' scores given with my system and I am sorry I can't say only nice things. Please keep in mind that I am ethically compromised and I am unable to produce 100% unbiased reviews.

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