Wednesday 8 January 2020

The Epicurean Glasgow Ed. Review

Hi everyone,

Happy new year! Hope everyone has had a great time over the holidays.
Today I’ve got a whisky that I was given 2/3 of a bottle of at the end of a festival. But immediately gave to a friend because I thought they might enjoy it more than me.
This is one of Douglas Laing’s blended malts that they have done focussing on different regions, this one on the Lowlands. Which puts it in the interesting position of not having that many distilleries to source whisky from. Glenkinchie, Bladnoch and Auchentoshan seem like the only likely options.

The Epicurean Glasgow Edition 58.6%
Colour: Straw
Body: Medium
Nose: Umm, milky at first nosing. Like sour milk, which is weird. Some lemon, green apple and also, well, cheese. Malt is there, very light touch of oak but remains pretty lactic. Really not a fan of the nose.
Water: Green apple and milk in a blender, throw in a pack of bubblegum too. And some yeast. You know, because why not?
Taste: Soft with a nice mouthfeel to start, fresh and zesty with green apple and zingy lemon citrus, then a little darker with the malt and a bit of white pepper spice making an appearance. There is more of a lactic thing coming out nearer the end into the finish.
Water: Again, nice arrival but the development goes astray with spiced cardboard and a bit of plastic.
Finish: Medium length. Malt and some milk chocolate, doesn't quite go into the lactic territory again but there's something harsher going on with the spice.
The lactic and milky notes on this were totally unexpected to me and I don’t think I’ve had anything like this in a whisky before, even from Bruichladdich. It isn’t even that unpleasant, but it’s kind of unsettling and weird.

Thanks for reading!

Scotch Review #836
Whisky Network Review #1001

Network Average: 75.2
Best Score: 94
Worst Score: 12
0-49 Terrible
50-59 Bad
60-64 Just About OK
65-69 Ok to Good
70-74 Good
75-79 Very Good
80-84 Excellent
85-89 Superb
90+ Magnificent

Full Disclosure Disclaimer: I currently work as the Global Brand Ambassador for Penderyn Distillery. The views expressed here are purely my own and do not reflect the views of Penderyn Distillery or The Welsh Whisky Company. I try to maintain as much objectivity as I can but feel free to take my reviews with as big a pinch of salt as you like. Furthermore, my rating scale is NOT based on a Parker type wine scoring scale or a school/college/university % or A-F grade score. You can find more on my scoring here. I apologise for any seemly low or 'bad' scores given with my system and I am sorry I can't say only nice things. Please keep in mind that I am ethically compromised and I am unable to produce 100% unbiased reviews.

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